
Supporting YOUR Community

Share your knowledge and recommendations of local trades and other local businesses in or serving Empire Bay & Bensville so that it’s available 24/7 and comes with real recommendations.

Our local community site is built by a local and maintained by volunteers. It’s funded by commercial web development we do. It’s free to join – whether as a business or consumer – and we’ll create a page for every registered local business. Free now and forever.

You can follow those providers you support and write recommendations for them.

If you already have your own website, we’ll put it in a pop-up on the business directory. If you want your own domain and own fully-featured mobile-responsive website, we’ll do that at a very competitive cost. (That’s how we fund the community site, so you’ll still be supporting local business).

If you’re preferred business or trade isn’t listed, pass on the link. The ore participants the more useful it becomes.


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